You’ve climbed the leadership ranks rung by rung and have used each experience as an opportunity to create impact.
Yet despite having “made it” to a high level of leadership where you’ve produced great results with your team, you can’t seem to shake some nagging insecurities.
You sometimes feel like an imposter, not trusting yourself, worrying you’ll be “found out” for not really having what it takes to lead or not knowing everything. Like you’re one mistake away from the curtain revealing your hidden flaws, that have somehow remained unseen.
You also wonder if your colleagues, leaders, investors, Board, and your team truly like you and trust you, and you have a tendency to worry about how you’re viewed and perceived.
And then there’s the pressure you feel to perform and deliver, to prove that you’re worthy of your title [or the next one you want], and to go above and beyond for your company and your team.
It’s challenging not to compare yourself to other leaders…
…and wish you could be as authentic, impactful, or confident as they
At the center of it all, these fears and insecurities process are on a loop in your head, and you wonder if they're actually real, or a tape recording that lives solely in your own mind.
Yet without knowing how to shift your habitual doubts and fears, the consistent confidence, trust, and contentment you crave eludes you, and it feels like these limiting thoughts and patterns will forever pop up out of nowhere to get in your way.
Over 40% of women in senior positions have consciously chosen NOT to ask for a pay rise or promotion that they knew they deserved, because of feeling like an imposter, according to the 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study.
That’s a vast amount of leaders who aren’t consistently leading from a place of confidence, trust, and contentment.
Over 40% of women in senior positions have consciously chosen NOT to ask for a pay rise or promotion that they knew they deserved, because of feeling like an imposter, according to the 2019 Imposter Syndrome Research Study.
That’s a vast amount of leaders who aren’t consistently leading from a place of confidence, trust, and contentment.
Self-worth is more than just confidence or high self-esteem.
It’s the knowledge, acceptance, and state of being that YOU are worthy and valuable — as a leader and as a human being.
When you have a deep connection with your own self-worth, you’re in lock-step with the truth of who you really are — a limitless, impactful, and content person. You’re able to live and lead seamlessly with trust and authenticity, generating extraordinary results and relationships, and see change as an opportunity rather than a potential threat.
There’s a massive advantage to self-worth in leadership. It is the fastest, most effective way to trust yourself. I know this because I too used to struggle quite often with feeling like an imposter where I didn't trust myself and felt many other insecurities that come with this.
As an Executive Coach who has coached dozens and dozens of leaders and founders just like you through this work, I cannot wait for you to begin exploring your experience with trust, because it's unique to you - believe me, there isn't one solid route everyone travels when comes with trust... yet there is one advantage no matter which route work best for you, and that is learning how to activate and grouned into your self-worth in new moments and moments of change.
Welcome to our online, self-paced course -Self Worth Advantage® for Leaders
That will teach you how to activate and leverage your self-worth in your life and leadership
To support you with receiving the most value from what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your work
Here’s what you’ll learn and explore in each module of Self Worth Advantage®…
Before you start the course, while you're going through Module 1, receive a complimentary 30 minute Strategy Session with the Creator of Self Worth Advantage® Tiffany Houser.
This session will support you with getting clear on how to experience the full value from this course based your specific needs.
Here’s everything included in Self Worth Advantage®:
Self Worth Advantage® COURSE
You’ll receive:
7 recorded video modules, delivered weekly
12+ Tools and Exercises
BONUS: 30-Minute Strategy Session with Tiffany Houser
Self Worth Advantage® COURSE + COACHING
You’ll receive:
7 recorded video modules, delivered weekly
12+ Tools and Exercises
30-Minute Strategy Session with Tiffany Houser
2 Months of Feedback on the Exercises and Tools in the Course from Tiffany via email
Self Worth Advantage® COURSE + COACHING
You’ll receive:
7 recorded video modules, delivered weekly
12+ Tools and Exercises
30-Minute Strategy Session with Tiffany Houser
2 Months of Exercise/Tool Feedback from Tiffany via email
2 Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Tiffany to amplify your results* [valued at $2997 + $797 for the Course = $3794]
*Sessions occur within 60 days of enrolling into the course.
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HR & DEI Executive
Founder & Collaborator @ AuthenticallYOU | Image Consultant & Coach
As I mentioned, I'm an Executive Coach, and I'm also a Leadership Development Facilitator, Speaker, Content Creator, and certified Transformational Leadership Coach who works with senior leaders in Fortune 500s to founders of scaling start-ups.
Throughout my work, I’ve been struck by the sheer number of leaders [many of whom are at the very top of their game] who struggle with feeling like an imposter and second-guess themselves during moments of new, change, high visibility, crisis, innovation, and transformation.
Whether it’s being new to a company, launching a new product, innovating, being promoted to a higher title, starting their own company, seeking funding, or perceiving the stakes have gotten a lot higher or more intense, so much doubt and fear creeps in where they don't trust themselves.
Instead of focusing on the evidence all around them of their worthiness, success, talent, and capabilities, many leaders tend to focus on their insecurities. They worry that they’ll make a big mistake, not have what it takes to succeed, won’t be liked, or are easily frustrated with their team, colleagues, or their organization — fixated on only seeing the problems as a way to protect themselves from taking a look at themselves… ouch.
This critical shift in focus has created many breakthroughs for my clients, which quickly turned into clarity, gratitude, agiity, and extraordinary results and relationships. They were so relieved to know they weren’t alone in their doubts because almost all of my other clients [and the sheer majority of leaders and founders all over the world] have similar feelings and experiences.
Because they were able to identify their limiting thoughts that grew into weeds, they were able to finally transform them into beliefs that are useful, compassionate, and inspiring beliefs rather than being stuck and held back by the weeds.
I know it may seem as though the patterns, thoughts, and doubts you have will forever be stuck inside you, always ready to flare up during new or intense moments — especially in times of change or uncertainty.
And the truth is that many of those thoughts and patterns have been around for a long time, often since childhood.
A significant event occurred, a comment was made, or some other experience happened when you were a kid and it planted a seed in you. You thought it was just about sports, grades, being invited to parties [or not], strict parents, your appearance, your shyness, your wildness… the list goes on.
But when that seed is left unattended to grow — consciously or unconsciously — it develops deep roots, branches, and leaves that ultimately block your view of who you really are: an authentic and powerful leader who has and continues to achieve and make an impact.
The challenge is, you might not realize your view is obstructed because you are confident most of the time — as a leader and in other areas of your life.
This might cause internal confusion for you, leaving you wondering why you’re wildly confident most days, yet can also be insecure and doubtful at times, too, with unhelpful messages running rampant in your head.
When you activate and connect with your self-worth, you inspire others to begin doing the same.
You can follow this course which includes the Self Worth Advantage® framework to understand the key role self-worth plays in great leadership, as well as guide you step-by-step to developing the hidden value of self-worth of your own.
And now, I’d love for YOU to experience the same.
You can dive into the course for the first 30 days and begin developing a stronger sense of self-worth. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. This entire program is designed to support with applying and practicing the knowledge you’re learning by putting it into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.
*30-Day Money-Back Guarantee is for the Self Worth Advantage® COURSE only, not for the 2 upgrades.
A: You’ll have immediate access to Module 1, as soon as you enroll int the course. Once you complete the initial module, the following modules will be released by the week. You will have forever access to the course materials.
A: Every individual will go at their own pace, yet we recommend setting aside at least 1 - 2 hours per week to complete each module and the exercises. Remember this is self-paced, so you can take as much time as you want. The recorded learning module videos altogether are less than 3 hours, and each module has multiple exercises and questions for you receive the most value from the course.
A: When you enroll in the “Course + COACHING” or “LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE” upgrades, you are set-up to speak with Tiffany Houser, Creator of Self Worth Advantage® directly. Otherwise you can submit your questions to [email protected]
A: We do have a Corporate Experience where we offer a special rate based on the number of people in your company who enroll into the course. We can invoice your company if you want them to invest in your leadership development, and would love to speak to the person[s] who handle your company's leadership development to share the value and supplementary content and services. Connect in with us at [email protected]
Let's have a conversation and get your questions answered.
It’s not something external that you need to chase, earn, or figure out.
It’s already inside of you and it simply gets to be unlocked so you can connect with your advantage.
If you’re ready to strengthen your relationship with yourself and be the confident and authentic leader you already are —
— then
Self Worth Advantage® Online Course For Leaders
was created just for you.
I cannot wait to work with you, and I cannot wait for you to experience your Self Worth Advantage®.
Self Worth Advantage® is a leadership development approach to identify, understand, and reconcile what has you feel like an imposter [and the other lurking insecurities that come with being a leader or founder] to transform it into confidence, trust, clarity, and extraordinary results and relationships.