Ready To Experience Self Worth Advantage® 1:1 With A Coach?

Whether you are ready to hire a coach for yourself or someone in your company, below are the steps to get started.

Here's what Self Worth Advantage® coaching engagement looks like:

  1. Complete our Coaching Connection Form so we can learn about who you are and what you're looking to create as a result of being coached through Self Worth Advantage®.
  2. Once we receive your completed form, you will have a Chemistry Session with Tiffany Houser to experience her coaching style, a segment of the SWA approach that applies to you, and learn more details about the coaching engagement in order for you to make a decision.
  3. When you are ready to hire Tiffany as your coach, you will work together to create the outcomes you want from this work, by creating clarity and your SWA Plan upfront before the engagement begins to ensure you both are aligned.


  • Coaching Engagements are 6 months in length.
  • Coaching sessions are 55 minutes in length and are held either over the phone or via video-conferencing.
  • If you have any questions, please connect with us at [email protected], or book a conversation with us here.

Are you a talent, leadership, or executive development leader, or head of the people experience in your company?  Here's what a Self Worth Advantage® coaching engagement looks like:

  1. Complete our Coaching Connection Form so we can learn about who you are, and what you're looking to create as a result of hiring a coach for someone in your company to experience Self Worth Advantage®.
  2. Once we receive your completed form, you will book a Stakeholder Chemistry Session with Tiffany Houser to experience her coaching style, a segment of the SWA approach, share details about the person[s] in your company who might receive this coaching, learn more details about the coaching engagement in order for you to make a decision.
  3. When you are ready to hire Tiffany to coach someone in your company, you will work together with Tiffany, and the person[s] receiving the coaching to create the development outcomes desired from this work and an SWA Plan upfront before the coaching sessions begin to ensure everyone is aligned.
  4. [OPTIONAL] We can also include our 2 additional Development Pillars to amplify the results.



  • Coaching Engagements are 6 months in length.
  • Coaching sessions are 55 minutes in length and are held either over the phone or via video-conferencing. 
  • We require a Logistics Meeting to get clear and align on the procurement process.
  • If you have any questions, please connect with us at [email protected], or book a conversation with us here.


Self Worth Advantage® is an approach to identify, understand, and reconcile what has you feel like an imposter [and the other lurking insecurities that come with leadership] to transform it into confidence, trust, clarity, and extraordinary results.